Well guys.... the mid terms are finally over. Didnt go as bad as I thought they would go, but not good enough either ;)
On the night before Diwali, I was reading up for my accounting midterm. Trust me, accounting is not the perfect way to begin your diwali ;)
On Friday, second yrs had arranged for a diwali celebration. It was a really nice way to relax after the midterms. They had the aarti playin in the backgrnd (downloaded from the net :) ), did some pooja, had amazin Indian food ordered (tons n tons of it) and then started off with alcohol and cards(which is a must on diwali night :D )
I tried my hands at playin cards, but was not that lucky. Decided to back out before I lost all my money in there ;)
Monday, I have my mock interviews as well as a case study discussion on banking. Need to prepare for it as actual interviewers from one of the banks will be coming in to take the interview.
The Food